clark kent—the real hero

CNFWJ - Clark Kent: The Real Hero

I think I have always been a “Clark Kent” guy.  There, I wrote it.  After almost 52 years I realized that he is the hero. You see, Clark is the mild-mannered, behind the scenes kind of guy who never seeks credit or approval, yet he has all the power of his alter-ego, Superman.  Superman has the cool red and blue outfit that shows of his incredible physique, that square jaw that can take a hit from just about anything and remain intact. He can leap tall buildings in a single bound, bend steel in his bare hands and even stop a bullet in its tracks.  He can save the victim in distress. He literally can (and has) saved the world from all sorts of terrible situations. But so can Clark, without the attention.

The entire time, Clark just sits by and “reports” on the action.  Well, at least he tries to help Lois Lane do her reporting.  Of course, like everyone else, Lois has no idea that meek and mild Clark is Superman.  At any moment Clark could tell her and the world and come out from the shadow of relative anonymity and enjoy all the glory that comes with being Superman.  He doesn’t.  He just wants the world to be safe and go about his business.  We need more Clarks.

Today, my Clark Kent is showing up in Washington, D.C. to speak to a panel of professionals about the disorder that is trying to be his kryptonite…Neurofibromatosis (NF).  Like many times before since he was barely old enough to speak, Jack will share his journey with some strangers that he hopes will have the wisdom and the courage that he has and make a change.  He will not sit in a special section on the airplane or get a limo ride or be feted in any way for this work during his summer vacation.  He doesn’t want all that anyway.  He wants as many people as possible who can affect change toward a cure for NF to know his story.  I can tell you that at 14 years old, I would be scared to death to do what he is going to do.  For him, no big whoop.  I love him for that.  Just last week he presented his story to several hundred people at a conference in Florida.  His presentation and his message were flawless.  He raised $5,000 that night! 

This afternoon, Clark Kent will get in his suit and tie, his pocket square firmly placed where it should be, and he will share his story with the FDA.  Yes, THAT FDA.  As you know, it stands for the Food and Drug Administration.  When it comes to Jack, I think FDA means Fearless, Determined and Amazing.  Make no mistake folks, this is not easy for him, he makes it look that way for us.  He’s doing it for all those battling NF and their families.  On this day, he will be joined by several other NF heroes who will tell equally (if not more) harrowing stories of how this wretched disorder has impacted their lives.  I hope people listen and learn and from this experience new actions will be taken toward a cure.  There is no guarantee of course.  Jack will do great and Beth will be right there with him.

Here’s the thing, you will be with him too.  I told him that.  So, my Clark Kent will go and change the world again this week…just a little bit more for the better and lay it out for the adults in the room.  He will then return home to Georgia and enjoy his Summer, continue to recover from his surgeries and get ready for the next big thing because with Clark Kent there is always something up next.  He will be speaking at ANOTHER conference of scientists in September, host his second annual fishing tournament and then his EIGHTH ANNUAL CureNFwithJack Atlanta Golf Tournament. In addition to all that he will get ready to kill it in 8th grade. 

Tomorrow there is hope and you are among the reasons why.

Don’t ever forget that.  EVER.  #ENDNF #FNF


Jake, Beth, Jack, Luke and Grace

Kellie Taylor

I am a female entrepreneur who is inspired & empowered & energized by other entrepreneurs. I love to help & encourage women to be fearless & let nothing stand in the way of their dreams.



dewey & a dad’s despair