Jack’s Journey: Jack Has NF But NF Does Not Have Him

Jack is dedicated to fighting for a treatment or cure for NF for all children affected by it. 

Jack was diagnosed with NF at the age of 2 and has endured many challenges due to NF. He has an eye orbit tumor surrounding the left side of his face, which required him to endure tumor debulking surgery and reconstruction when he was 6 years old.  He was diagnosed with an inoperable brainstem glioma when he was 8 years old, which led to a year of chemotherapy in second and third grade.  Due to the complications associated with this glioma, Jack had brain surgery at the age of 10 to relieve the pressure building in his brain and spinal cord.  When Jack was 12 years old, it became painful and harder for him to walk.  This led to a three-part surgery for each of his feet at ages 13 and 14. Jack then had subsequent brain surgery in March 2021.

Walking in Jack’s shoes means suffering from low muscle tone, scholiosis, fatigue and well-over a dozen doctors and specialists, more than 40 MRIs since his NF diagnosis.

Jack is a fighter.  Jack has NF but NF does not have him.

In 2020 Jack was awarded the Children’s Tumor Foundation Humanitarian of the Year award. Click HERE so see more.

And when CureNFwithJack becomes CuredNFwithJack?  Jack has a massive party already planned for his NF friends and all those who helped. Then CNFWJ goes back to work helping all children become and remain disease and disorder-free.